Networking Data

Data, Networking, Insight ?

Created by 이영석 (

Data ? Networking?

“Data is raw, , preprocessed, engineered for analysis to achieve better product ! .” by Youngseok Lee

데이터 혁신한 경우는??

  • 검색의 Google (Altavista, Yahoo!, ...)
  • 친구의 Facebook (MySpace, 싸이월드 )
  • 쇼핑의 Amazon (토이저러스, 보더스, 반스앤노블 )
  • 영화의 Netlix (블럭버스터)
  • 음악의 Spotify

숙제: 100 TB 정렬을 가장 빨리 하는 사람은 A+ !

  • 무슨 알고리즘을 쓸까?
  • 현실적인 문제: 100 TB 저장 ? 메모리 ? ...


1 Terabyte (TB) = ? GB

1 Petabyte (PB) = ? TB

1 Exabyte (EB) = ? PB

Zetta, Yotta, ...

데이터를 잘 다루는 회사는 ?

Google, Facebook, Amazon, MS, Netflix, Walmart, eBay, ...

Alibaba, Baidu, ...

데이터 다루는 핵심 기술은 ?

  1. 데이터 수집: Apache Flume, Apache Kafka
  2. 분석알고리즘: 추천, 예측 (data mining/machine learning)
  3. 분산컴퓨팅 SW 플랫폼: MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark, ...)
  4. 분석알고리즘 + SW 플랫폼 -> 문제해결

Example: Web Search

Example: Recommendation

Netflix Prize

Big Data by Definition

“ Data sets whose size is beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, manage, and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time. ”

Architecture of Big Data

  1. In 2004, Google's MapReduce
  2. In 2006, Doug Cutting's Hadoop
  3. In 2009, Matei Zaharia's Spark

Big Data Echosystem


  • Open-source framework for running applications on large clusters built of commodity hardware
  • Implementation of MapReduce and HDFS

Apache Hadoop

  • MapReduce: a distributed data processing model and execution environmnet that runs on large clusters of commodity machines
  • HDFS: a distributed filesystem that runs of large clusters of commodity machines


MapReduce: Code

function map(String name, String document):
  // name: document name
  // document: document contents
  for each word w in document:
    emit (w, 1)

function reduce(String word, Iterator partialCounts):
  // word: a word
  // partialCounts: a list of aggregated partial counts
  sum = 0
  for each pc in partialCounts:
    sum += pc
  emit (word, sum)


Data Mind

Polar chart by Florence Nightingale, 1858
By w:Florence Nightingale (1820?1910). -, Public Domain,

DNLAB Networking Data

DNLAB's GitHub Project

Github P3 project

DNLAB WordCloud

Interested in Networking Data ?

  • 데이터분석: 컴퓨터공학 + 통계학 (데이터마이닝, 머신러닝, 딥러닝)
  • 데이터엔지니어링: Small data부터 시작 (LAMP), Hadoop/Hive/Spark + Python scikit + R + Tensorflow ... (SMAQ)
  • 컴퓨터공학 기반을 갖춘 데이터 네트워크 엔지니어가 됩시다 !